Drewzie has done a fine job letting you know what has been going on, and I will add some of our recent experiences to it...
ICE-CREAMING (be afraid, very afraid)
Sarita, Drew and I went to see the Sun Temple today. It is yet another beautiful Indian temple with thousands of years of history and mythology attached to it. In case you are wondering, Eddie stayed behind. He had a GI situation. For those who saw the pictures of Khajuraho, the tantric temple, The Sun Temple had some of the same themes. What made today's visit exciting was our guide. He was about 50 and very well informed of the history of the temple.
Our tour took about an hour and consisted of detailed explanations of each of the 1,000+ statues in the walls of this temple. Astrology, history, Hinduism, and even the impact of Colonialism was discussed. Yet, perhaps most odd was the intensity with which the guide described the tantric nature of the statues. Imagine the three of us and the guide walking among hundreds of families, school groups and religious folks. Every time he needed to explain something in detail he asked us to lean in and whispered:
"Note the penis being inserted in the vagina."
Then a child would run by and we would have to lean closer.
"Look at that statue. The man is inserting his large penis in the woman's leg."
He would describe many important statues among the tantric ones. Here is the architect statue, the woman holding child, and " this woman is holding the man's penis while this other woman is holding his scrotum because he has a hernia."
This was all very surreal. Important, historical, fascinating, and surreal. At one point Drewzie said to me, "Did he say 'hot cum' was going into the the woman statue?" I nodded, "yup." Then, the one that made me nearly lose it. He pointed firmly toward a statue of a woman giving oral sex to a man and said, "Now, look carefully at this statue. Do you see that the woman is ice creaming the men's penis?"
It was a great tour and we later learned from Sarita that the lineage of this man was one in which he himself really believes in the tantric aspects of the religion. This is a concept tough for judeo-christian societies to fully grasp, but a definite part of what makes up the many religions that exist in India.
Drewzie also got to experience the fame of foreigners in small towns today. While at the temple, three different sets of people asked us if we could take pictures with them. You may remember these experiences from when Tricia wrote for the blog. There was a lot of hand-shaking, lots of cameras, flash, action, thank yous and fame all around.
Tomorrow we go back to Kolkata. We will do some shopping and some more site seeing. We will also stay there for New Year's with Sarita and Eddie's family.
Lots of hugs to all. Happy ALL Holidays and have an AMAZING NEW YEAR.
"Into the Woods to Find the Giant..."