
Julio's Global South Travel 2005-2006. This e-space exists so that I can keep my friends and family informed. Also, it is for you to participate in my experiences by providing comments, ideas, and cheers.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Char Dham Part II

Just wanted to add a couple more things to the Char Dham entry.

It was amazing. Wherever we went, no matter how poor, the kids had they full uniforms and went to school every morning. Many of the them walked for miles up or down the road next to the fast moving cars. They held hands, they laughed, waved at us, but they went to school. In some cases gparents took them, mothers carried them. The schools were open air, we could see them as we drove by.

Of course, the tour had its anti-whatevers. A man who made sure at every point that I knew there was something wrong with the US. The food, the people, the religions, the government, the power, the way Americans dress, the laziness, etc.

I just listened the first couple of days since I basically agreed with everything he was saying. For instance, why do American continue to buy MADE in CHINA products when the government disagrees with the Chinese government? By the 4th day it I didn't mind the criticism, but it just got old. I fought back a little bit, and tried to be respectful. But, of course, I mistepped a little.

One day he pointed to my Lonely Planet and went off about how Americans depict Indians and his culture. As politely as I could I told him I agreed that countries sometimes depict other countries unfairly, but Lonely Planet is made in the UK and the editor and most of the writers of the India book are Indians who have migrated to the UK and also the US. He looked at me very annoyed and in disbelief. I nicely put the book in front of him and told him to look at it for himself. He picked it up, studied the inside cover and was quite for 2-3 days. The last couple of days I got some more of his wrath, but I decided that with both of his children living in America he has got a lot of caca to work through so I just smiled every time he said something.

"Into the Woods to Find the Giant..."


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