
Julio's Global South Travel 2005-2006. This e-space exists so that I can keep my friends and family informed. Also, it is for you to participate in my experiences by providing comments, ideas, and cheers.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

ROME: New Skill! Photo Upload.

WOW. I have actually never done this. Uploading photo. This is a test. Neat!

This is St. Peter's Cathedral. This is the place where the Pope gives his address once a year. (Rome, Italy - March 2006)


  • At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oi JUlinho!!!
    Sou a Claudia a sobrinha da Ana Cristina. Lembra de mim???
    Fiquei de boca aberta quando a Tia Ana disse que voce viajou tanto e que agora esta na Italia! Eu moro a 60 km de Roma. Se voce quiser se poderiamos encontrar... a minha email è
    e o meu telefone celular è 3206262744 se quiser me liga. Um beijo grande

  • At 3:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this is grate i love it the photo is grate and asome but one thang I'm not 56% eval wahhha not

    senserly nikki

  • At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.


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