
Julio's Global South Travel 2005-2006. This e-space exists so that I can keep my friends and family informed. Also, it is for you to participate in my experiences by providing comments, ideas, and cheers.

Friday, November 11, 2005

GOA: Beach and Sun, After a Tumultous Arrival (See Tricia Entry for Latter)

Tricia has shared with you our crazy trek to GOA. Suffice to say, with the two of us, it was cause for endless laugther and craziness. A golden moment was when, at midnight Tricia awoke me on the bus stating "OH MY G-D, THE BUS STOP. WE CAN GO TO THE BATHROOM. GET UP, LET'S GO!" It was like someone gave her this prize after 4 hours of travel. It was a riot.

Today was one of those days that makes the ticket price to India all worth it. We sat on the beach all day. We had breakfast at the beach, we were given a choice of fishes for lunch, and we ate the fish. The man brought a tray of different fishes (yes, raw and whole) and asked us which one we wanted. We chose one and told him how we wanted it done. Grilled with nothing. We added the salt, pepper and lots of lime. It was exquisite with the india/portuguese rice and the chips (french fries). We ate our meal looking at the Arabian Sea, which by the way, is a beautiful body of water in which to swim. You should all try it.

Having Tricia here has been wonderful. Apart from the obvious reason, which is that she is here and I love her so much, it has been nice to share India with someone else. Seeing her having experiences for the first time signals to me that I have been initiated, that I am learning, and that I have matured as a traveler and someone who is in the world in a more experienced way. Being able to be here for her also makes me feel like I am more comfortable in my new skin. The best tool to deal with crazy India has of course, been to tell everyone we are married in our honeymoon and that we don't want to be bothered. It has worked and we will milk it for what it's worth.

Goa is beautiful. OK, Colva, one of the many, many Goan beaches is beautiful. Once you walk away from the main drag where the crowds are you can find quiet places with seaside restaurants that let you sit peacefully and offer foods from China, Italy and India. It's is a tourist and middle to upper crust India paradise and trust me, it is the sector of Indian I am sticking to for a while. Tonight we are off to Hampi and the next 2 weeks we will be the whirling dervishes like a mad people getting through the south, and then back to Goa for Rumina (Chilean girl from Rishikesh) birthday for 4-5 days before we go back to Bombay where Tricia leaves from.

I am doing well. I think I am directing my madness to the right people - rickshaw and taxi drivers. I am also sitting more comfortably in the craziness, the smells, the noize and the madness. I do like quieter India, and I am also glad Bombay exhists I loved it there. It was a great urban experince. I think it was the metered taxis that made the difference. I didn't have to haggle, I could just get on the cab and tell them to turn the meter on.

That's it for now. Sorry if this wasn't not REALLY INTERESTING, but I am resting a little with Tricia here. She is telling you the details, which gives me a little time to rest. Hehe.

A month from tomorrow Drew arrives, and I will get to see Sarita and Eddie. I am so excited about that as well. Yet, I know a whole lifetime will pass before that day. It's funny, every day here is so intensily full. I have been here for 40+ days, and at the same time it feels like I have been here for a year.

Kisses to all,


"Into the Woods to Find the Giant..."


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